Monday, November 21, 2016

Kente Cloth

           Nyree Holmes an 18 year old who was kicked out of his high school graduation for wearing a Kente cloth. A Kente cloth is a symbol of African culture and he wore it to symbolize that he's proud of who he is and his descendants. The school had deputies waiting for Holmes when he ended up walking down the stairs. A spokeswoman for the school district told Sacramento Bee that the school only wished the student had complied because they didn't want the image of a police escort. The principal of the school met with Nyree and his parents and apologized. Nyree told Sacramento Bee that he's a good kid and student and planned to attend California State University to study film.
            This to me is enlightening because he's embracing his culture, you wouldn't tell an Islamic female to take off her abaya. It's apart of her culture, if she takes off her abaya she is going against the Islamic culture of hiding true beauty. The Kente Cloth is a symbol of African culture and he was representing his culture which he has faith in.

Title of Article: Police Remove Student From Grad Ceremony Over Kente Cloth 

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